Monster Bash Remake High Def Color UPGRADE (FOR REMAKE ONLY)
Monster Bash Color Upgrade for MBR CLASSIC EDITION.
NOTE: This upgrade is colorized for ENGLISH settings, and is partial colorized for non-ENGLISH settings (French, etc)
The color display upgrade for Monster Bash Remake (MBR) was a large investment delivering outstanding quality fully colorized output in high resolution which enhances the overall MBR game experience.
NOTE: The MBR color display upgrade will be a hardware (security chip) upgrade which will require lifting up the playfield and replacing the chip. It will also include the latest software revision (SD card) required in order for the color to be enabled. Full instructions are included with the kit.
If you have an MBR CLASSIC EDITION then this is the correct product to order. You can order a CLASSIC KIT and will work on any classic regardless of where the MBR was purchased (including international).

Chicago Gaming